Created in 1920, Fives Pillard has been developing burner solutions and combustion systems for the mineral and energy markets for over 100 years. Today, Fives Pillard is the world leader in cement rotary kiln burners and a major burner supplier for the boiler industry.

Over the past 20 years, Fives Pillard has developed advanced low-NOx burners according to the Best Available Techniques (BAT) concept for industrial emissions control. Our latest boiler burners bring NOx emissions down to 15 mg/Nm3 at 3% dry O2, met in several boilers in Asia. Fives Pillard further helps reduce CO2 emissions with its burners for hydrogen, biogas, biofuel and biomass fuels, along with alternative fuel injectors and burners for the cement & mineral industries.

Fives Pillard develops the combustion systems of tomorrow through dedicated R&D projects at our FECC facility.